트위터 실시간

8Keyz  13:49 web
Trying to run over Walid Faraj presenter Aadora in Mbc Action Action and rammed his car #dubai #uae #retweet #news #gcc pic.twitter.com/vZnoQa1m

Park Sojeong  13:46 Twitter for Android
@boysbeanxious @JinhwanSung 6시에 MBC롯데아트홀에서 만나요!!*-* pic.twitter.com/nLvDNqgp

WeLoveC-REAL  13:44 web
#CREAL on MBC's 'Show! Music Core' later! 4PM (GMT +9) pic.twitter.com/75SX8Tct

B1A4 LOVER. ♥  13:03 Twitter for Android
B1A4 @ MBC Shim Shim Ta Pa [cr: IMBC] pic.twitter.com/YUGPhRSk

B1A4 LOVER. ♥  13:01 Twitter for Android
B1A4 @ MBC Shim Shim Ta Pa [cr: IMBC] pic.twitter.com/LynXPULH

B1A4 LOVER. ♥  13:00 Twitter for Android
B1A4 @ MBC Shim Shim Ta Pa [cr: IMBC] pic.twitter.com/9yElHHyh

Aya  12:47 web
EXID 120320 mbc Show Champion - LE, Yuzi pic.twitter.com/t1prasWq

B1A4 LOVER. ♥  12:47 Twitter for Android
Busy Jinyoung & Baro @ MBC Shim Shim Ta Pa [cr: IMBC] pic.twitter.com/5I5w3iVt

B1A4 LOVER. ♥  12:42 Twitter for Android
Combined pictures of B1A4 @ MBC Shim Shim Ta Pa [cr: IMBC] pic.twitter.com/ZyFRMW7m

B1A4 LOVER. ♥  12:31 Twitter for Android
MBC's Shim Shim Ta Pa w/ Gongchan via flying0423 http://t.co/JGjOTIAt

B1A4 LOVER. ♥  12:30 Twitter for Android
MBC's Shim Shim Ta Pa w/ Gongchan via flying0423 http://t.co/RhKov4Tn http://t.co/Ih2MrG9O

B1A4 LOVER. ♥  12:29 Twitter for Android
MBC's Shim Shim Ta Pa w/ Sandeul via flying0423 http://t.co/NIVYUu2C http://t.co/RGKzs48x http://t.co/GdMtB55A
비홍 मेरा नाम बीहों  12:12 twtkr for iPhone
mbc 짤은 다리의 역습..방송정보 입력하다가 오타내셔꾼 http://t.co/DeEbF0zB

chantaeylovechansung  12:09 Twitter for BlackBerry®
"@Tyche_125: MBC Music 오늘밤 11시 그여자작사 그남자작곡 '준호' 1편 방송. http://t.co/Im5BiHGP 스카이라이프642번,디지털방송607번,BTV250번,U+TV99번,올레tv642번에서시청가능(케이블은지역마다다름)"

:))  11:56 Twitter for Android
mbc에서갈릭브레드 pic.twitter.com/ZjAP0QMA

차선우  11:44 Twitter for Android
[PIC/OFFICIAL] 120323 #B1A4 at MBC Shimshimtapa 차선우 [source: flying0423] http://t.co/N6c0MRUV http://t.co/4SBEAg0I
트위터 소셜 포털 SNS페이지(http://www.snspage.com)
Posted by actorjob